Pecan Brownies


I planted a pecan nut tree! I absolutely love nuts and the pecan is one of my absolute favorites. Our little girl, Sarah has blossomed into a beautiful young woman and last weekend her and Darryn said their vows in our garden under the trees. It has been the most incredible 6 months of planning and planting. My thumbs have turned from black to green and Brian no longer feels the need to bless the plants that come into our home. He recently commented that our garden has never looked so good in over twenty years that we have lived here. I still have so much to learn about gardening, but I have enjoyed what I have learnt so far and the physical act of being in my garden, working with the plants and the elements has brought a different kind of peace into my soul.

Pecan Brownies

Of course, my pecan tree is not yet bearing fruit, but I wanted to make pecan brownies regardless so that when the time comes I will have a recipe on hand to share with Sarah and Darryn.

Pecan Brownies

Servings 16


  • 135 g 70% chocolate broken into pieces I use chocolate buttons
  • 200 g castor sugar
  • 185 g butter + extra for greasing
  • 3 Exl eggs whisked together
  • 5 ml vanilla extract
  • 100 g cake flour sifted
  • 160 g chopped and lightly toasted pecans (cooled)


Bain Marie (bowl over a pot of hot water)

  • Place a bain marie over boiling water. Add the butter, chocolate and sugar to the bowl. Melt together.
  • Once the choc butter mix has melted, whisk with a hand mixer
  • Continue to whisk while slowly and steadily adding the whisked eggs making sure they don't scramble from the heat of the choc mix Add the vanilla extract
  • Fold in the flour
  • fold in the nuts
  • pour into buttered baking dish and bake for 25 – 30 min
  • These are best eaten on the day. They freeze well too and also enjoy a 20 sec burst in the mircowave to bring out the flavour of the chocolate.
Course: baking
Keyword: Brownies, pecan

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