Raspberry Plum Pie

A special little bowl gifted to me by my cherished daughter, Sarah

There is something magical about a pie. There is something even more magical about my raspberry and plum pie paired with orange zest and triple sec. The marriage of the berries, plums and orange zest and liqueur make for an intense flavour of fruit that shines through. They are just meant to be together. This one is reminiscent of an imagined childhood. A vision I have for my yet to be imagined grandchildren. Sarah and Darryn are newly weds and are enjoying quiet and carefree moments that come with that pleasure. So while they are not yet ready to say goodbye to this pleasurable quiet appreciation of each other, I will start my preparation regardless.

Cherish:- protect and care for (someone) lovingly.

Last weekend Brian and I celebrated a special friend’s 60th birthday. I baked Joy my La Viña Inspired Burnt Basque Cheesecake as her gift. I set it on a handmade platter from Mudness Ceramics along with a FRESH Kitchen apron. What has filled my heart so much these past few days were the speeches shared about this truly amazing human being. Every word uttered are a testament to her extraordinary spirit and how she moves through this world. She touches people’s lives with a generosity of giving abundantly of herself. She glides through her world without fear. She vibrates with pure joy and infectiously passes it on to all those who are blessed enough to be near her.

Joy stood up to speak. She thanked each of us for being part of her meaningful life so far. What left me shivering with goosebumps only a divine spirit could impart, where these words, “I was cherished as a child” There is no doubt in my mind that a child cherished in this world will be one who thrives and goes on to be an inspiration of light and love to all those around them. To cherish a child is our responsibility. To cherish a child anchors them in endless possibilities for a bright and divine future.

As I write this I realise I should have used cherries in this pie. I think the next time I make it I will use cherries and called it Cherished Cherry Pie.

If you do decide to make it with cherries, send me a photo to let me know how it turns out, I do love hearing from anyone out there who may be listening and reading and enjoying my work.

Sorry, I didn’t mention the blueberries in this pie, they must feel rather abandoned. They, of course add to the flavour and colour in a very different way from the richness of the raspberries, plums and orange zest. They are bursting with so much goodness and pack a delightful punch of added health benefits we have come to take for granted these days. Here in this pie they, like the orange zest, are the supporting classics, rather and are appreciated nonetheless.

Raspberry Plum Pie



  • 160 g bread flour
  • 80 g cake flour
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 40 g castor suger
  • 150 g unsalted butter cubed and cold
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 tbls fresh cream plus extra for
  • 30 g ground hazelnuts toasted in frying pan 1 substitute almond or pecan

Pie Filling

  • 2 Tbls brown sugar plus extra to sprinkle on pastry
  • 1 Tbls Triple sec optional or orange juice a plash of vodka or any orange flavoured liqueur will do as well
  • 1 orange zest
  • 160 g raspberries
  • 160 g blueberries
  • 240 g plums cut into ⅛ slices or apricots, peaches,


  • Add flours, salt and sugar together. Whisk to ensure an even mix. In a blender with blade attachment, add the flour mix and butter. Blitz to form crumbs.
  • Add egg yolk and blitz again for 10 seconds. Add cream and pulse blitz again. The dough should come together and no longer be crumbly.
  • Lay a sheet of baking paper on the counter top. Tip the dough onto the baking paper and cover with another sheet of baking paper. Press the dough into a oblong shape, and roll with a rolling pin to a 3-5mm thickness. The idea is a rustic freeform pie. The finished shape should be about 25cm x 30cm. Place on baking tray and refrigerate for 2 hours.

Macerate Fruit while pastry is in the fridge

  • Place all the fruit in a bowl. Add the sugar, triple sec and orange zest. Mix to coat and leave to macerate while pastry is in fridge
  • Stir the fruit every now and then during the 2 hours maceration process

After 2 hours resting

  • Remove pastry from fridge and sit for 5-10 minutes at room temperature
  • Sprinkle the ground hazelnuts on the base of the pastry leaving a 3-4cm rim around the edges. This part will be folded into the fruit filling creating border so the filling doesn't run out of the pie.
  • Drain the fruit, reserving the liquid. Pile the fruit on top of the sprinked hazelnut pastry leaving the same border around the edge of the pastry
  • Now, using the baking paper to assist you, roll the pastry edge over onto the fruit creating that border we've been preparing for, crimping and pinching to create gentle folds that hold the fruit in place and just cover the edges. Place back in the fridge for 20 mins. In the meantime preheat the oven to 180ºC and place a second baking tray in the oven (top ⅓ of oven) to heat up. This little trick ensures the base of the pastry will be cooked and crispy when done. No one likes a soggy pastry base
  • After 20 minutes remove pie from fridge. Drizzle reserved juices over the fruit, brush pastry with extra cream and sprinkle with extra brown sugar
  • Lift off the cold baking tray and place on to the pre heated one and bake for 30-35 minutes. Check after about 20min to ensure even browning of pastry. You may need to turn tray around at this point
  • Remve from oven and rest for about 10 minutes
  • Slide onto serving platter and enjoy with ice cream or dollops of fresh whipped cream.
Course: afternoon tea, baking, Dessert
Keyword: berries, galette, Pie, plum, raspberry

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