About Me
Hi there – I am Jax
I am me; no one else can be
jacqueline Kinnear
I love simplicity and find inspiration in nature. I am moved by all things natural like twigs and twine, linen and leaves. I am driven by the elements of fire and metal.
I love the sound of the ocean and life and light in forests. I am a wife to Brian and Mum to Sarah, and more recently Mum-In-Law to a very special young man, Darryn (2022). They inspire me to create food made with love and passion. I love writing about it and photographing my process. Here you will find my food journey. I’ve had successes and failures; they’ve taught me all I know. I am connected to life, love and laughter through food. Welcome to my page; come see what I do!
Here’s how my process unfolded