Kiwi and Coconut Smoothie



Years ago today I changed my name to Jacqueline Kinnear. Today’s smoothie is Kiwi and Coconut. 🥝 Kiwi’s are full of Vit K. The two little love bears, Scruffy and Bear Grylls were gifted to me by a very dear client whose home I sold in 2016. I love teddy bears and these two little bears are a reminder of Annie, and my time working at Fresh Lifestyle Properties. They are also little symbol’s of Brian and I and our commitment to each other over these many years.

The beautiful vase was gifted to us by our daughter, Sarah for our 30th anniversary. Arum lilies were our wedding flowers and every year around this time you will find them in bloom around East London. Sarah made this vase in her pottery class and every time look at it, I’m reminded of our beautiful child and her special soul. It’s full of love and generosity. The gnaly piece of wood settled in the background symbolizes the passing of time where we’re privileged to grow old and wrinkled together.

Happy anniversary my darling Brian Kinnear, the coconut you ask?? – well you have to be a little nuts to be married to me 🥝🥥

Kiwi and Coconut Smoothie

Kiwi and coconut smoothie
4 ice cubes
One cup of almond milk
One kiwi, chopped
60 g of fresh spinach (just thought now you could probably use frozen too)
Half a frozen banana
1 tablespoon of desiccated coconut or flakes
One sprig of mint
One scoop of chocolate, vegan protein powder
1 tablespoon of cocoa nibs

1 tablespoon of ground miracle seed mix
1 teaspoon of honey optional

Put all ingredients (except seeds) into high speed blender, and blitz until smooth
Pulse blitz the seeds

For more smoothie options take a look here.

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